Monday, July 11, 2011

Server2Go transportable Web Server

What is Server2Go?

"Server2Go is a Webserver that runs out of the box without any premise and on write protected media. This means that web applications based on Server2Go can be used directly from cdrom, a usb stick or from any portfolio on a hard disk without the hassle of configuring Apache, Php or MySql."



I find that Server2Go is a much smoother install than Xampp.  Xampp is what most of the habitancy I spoke to were well-known with as far as a movable web server went.  The advantage that Server2Go has over Xampp seems to be that Server2Go has been designed to run off of write-protected media.  It is designed to facilitate localized deployable yield apps.

The install for me was as uncomplicated as unzipping the files, and running the executable file.  I changed some of the variables in php.ini to allow things like Curl.  This all worked without incident.  I am also able to found in perl, use MySql and MySql Lite, and of procedure Php.

But also note that they have downgrades for other versions of most of these.  I am running all from a jump drive, with NotePad ++ running via PortableApps. Xampp would have been a similiar solution in my case, since running via write-protected media is not foremost for me.  I am impressed with Server2Go and I can't see switching to Xampp unless I need the install to run on a non-windows box.

Give it a try and see what you think.

Server2Go transportable Web Server

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